Now’s about the time when you take a hard look at your New Year’s Resolutions and determine which ones you’ve been following through on and which ones you abandoned weeks ago.
I’ll be honest, I’m really terrible at writing down New Year’s Resolutions.
I usually think of the areas I’d like to improve on during the year, but when it comes to actually writing them down, I tend to just avoid it.
This process is fairly consistent with the way I make goals in general.
Actually, come to think of it, one of my resolutions was to be more intentional when it comes to goals and actually write them down…
Something I do know was on my mental list this year was to create and execute on a grain marketing plan for our operation.
Actually, I don’t know that it was exactly on a New Year’s Resolutions list or, rather, on a ‘winter’ list.
You know, that list you put together every year on the farm that you plan to get done in the winter because you think you’ll have so much more down time…
Things like record keeping, cleaning your shop and equipment, learning, and making decisions for next year.
Sure, some of that has been getting done this winter on this Farm Next Door, but a lot of it hasn’t.
We’re so optimistic.
We walk into winter with a refreshed hope that this time, THIS winter, we’re going to really get things in order and feel ready by the time planting comes around.
Very similar to the way we walk into January as we write down resolutions for the coming year.
And then it gets to March.
Planting is knocking on the door and a big chunk of the winter to-do list is still in flight.
We’re still trying to get fertilizer spread, the Farm Guy is still working on seed orders and deadlines, there’s equipment that isn’t quite ready, bins to core, planter decisions to make, etc…
Oh, a grain marketing plan?
Wait. What? We were supposed to work on that this winter?
Every time we think about making a sale, we both look at each other and go, “It would be really great if we had our marketing plan put together…”
I have a feeling we aren’t alone in this.
We know the value of making the plan, but we still haven’t done it.
Just like I know the value of writing down goals and still don’t get it done.
You know how you change a bad pattern?
You start with baby steps.
So today, I’m starting with baby steps.
I’m going to take 15-20 minutes, three times a week, to concentrate on building our plan, or at least thinking strategically about our marketing goals and actually WRITING THEM DOWN.
I plan to continue this until we get a solid plan in place.
I’m pretty positive I waste several 15-20 minute periods in my day so this is definitely doable, and I challenge you to join me.
I’ll keep you updated as I continue this process in hopes that it helps you stay accountable to do the same on your farm. As I find helpful resources for you, I’ll also share those.
Let’s get our grain marketing plans in order, shall we?
Drop me a comment below or in my inbox on Twitter or Instagram telling me what your biggest hurdle is when it comes to creating your grain marketing plan!