I posted on my Instagram stories a few weeks ago about gall midge after walking into a few of our soybean fields, scraping back the damaged stem, and finding little orange larvae. Now, keep in mind, I’m not an agronomist and I won’t claim to be. But, I am a farmer who likes to learn….
Author: Farm Girl Next Door
Grilled Chicken with Fresh Caprese Salad
Fun fact: I overestimated my ability to consume cherry tomatoes when I planted my garden. I purchased about 8-10 red and orange cherry tomato plants and two Roma plants. Remember, this garden is for two people. As the Farm Guy Next Door and I were putting up tomato cages he kept asking, “how many more?”…
What is the WASDE Report?
Numbers. When people start talking numbers with little description, do you simply start tuning it out and then realize you didn’t hear a bit of what was said? No? Just me then… 😉 Crop reports contain a LOT of numbers and not a lot of explanation of how they relate to one another and how…
Summer Slow Cooker Zucchini Chicken Quinoa Casserole
Whoever said crockpots were only for the winter lied to you. For real, during the summer it gets so hot that I don’t really want to turn my oven on, so what’s the appliance that can cook supper without heating up the house? You guessed it — the good old crockpot! (I don’t have an…
What is ‘Old Crop’ anyways?
Sometimes, terminology in grain marketing just makes me laugh…like ‘old crop.’ I mean, if my corn’s been in the bin for 4 years, that’s getting up there in age, but selling in March after I just harvested it in October is considered ‘OLD?’ So that begs the question, “what do people mean when they refer…
New Crop, Old Crop, Front Month Futures…What??
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the jargon in grain marketing? You walk into the local co-op, hear the coffee group talking about ‘new crop’ corn being down around $.04, and think to yourself…what does that mean? Every industry has jargon, but not every industry uses it outside the four walls of their company…
Sesame Ginger Sheet Pan Salmon
While I love my Blackened Salmon recipe, I must say, this recipe is giving it a run for its money. I mean seriously, you cannot possibly go wrong with a flaky piece of fish and a spicy sauce that has soy sauce, ginger and garlic. I’m willing to bet you’ll be making this salmon time…
Quick & Easy Pesto Crab Flatbreads
Who needs something new, quick, and easy for supper? This recipe was created based on what I had in my garden, cupboard, and fridge and turned into an easy, go-to recipe that I wanted to share with you all. It’s a little different and I think you’re really going to like it! Ingredients: 4 Flatout…
What is Grain Marketing?
“So you do marketing for grain! That’s great, where do you advertise and promote it?” It might surprise you how much I received this response when I would tell people I helped farmers market their grain. It makes sense though. When the term ‘marketing’ is used outside of the Ag industry, it is almost always…
Why you shouldn’t stress if you don’t understand options
When I ask people what they want to better understand about grain marketing, they often respond, “Options. I want to understand how to use options.” Let’s dig into that a bit more. Let’s say I’m new to accounting and I’m just starting to get comfortable filing tax returns for clients. At this point, I’ve filed…